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Architecture | Context









noun: context; plural noun: contexts


the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.


Context in architecture has become a subject bloated with discussion and debate over the years. And, as a matter of fact, it has come to matter very little in its formal and typological sense. In general, context is external elements that influence an object. These elements can be physical or non-physical. Roads, buildings, and land contour are examples for physical elements while non-physical elements are weather condition, local culture, as well as political and economic constraints.


The context determines the architectural style, building material selection and site layout, which is very important in creating an effective design. All these promote continuity between building and local circumstances.


Climatic context, it plays the crucial role in design. Designers need to design building that meet the criterial of local climate such as building orientation, types of material used, and also size and type of openings. For instance, a house with large windows openings in low latitude climate will use electrical energy for air-conditioning to cool the building. The other problem will arise such as over use of electrical power that consumes more maintenance budget. Malaysia typical pitched roof houses, for instance, literally are designed to provide shade and protection from heat and rain, as well as to provide ventilation. The vernacular Malay roof is best suited for hot and humid tropical climates.


The economical context is related to the condition or situation of a country’s economy. Through these few decades, recession has given a big impact to slow down the buildings construction and development. It has also given the psychological impact to all practitioners in construction industry. Every country in the world does not have the same economic viability. This difference makes the practice of contemporary architecture is different from place to place. Therefore, this context makes the architectural style is geared towards the simple and clean façade elements. For example, nowadays the emergence of new methods such as prefabricated components and module systems have greatly utilized in architectural design. It was introduced to reduce labour costs and speed up the construction period. It also can provide best value for money and client’s satisfaction.


Issam Fares Institute – American University of Beirut / Zaha Hadid Architects

Moreover, political context also play in role in contemporary architecture today. For example, Zaha Hadid’s design for the Issam Faris  Institute  at the American University of Beirut’s historic campus in Lebanon is a project often criticized for its obtrusive form in a sensitive surrounding. However, looking deeper, one cannot but notice the admirable decisions taken in the development of the project, which offer a bold way to address the almost dramatic lack of green public space in Lebanon – specifically Beirut.


EDITT Tower / Ken Yeang

The example of architect who profound the idea of sustainable design is Ken Yaeng. He is one of the leaders in green architecture movement, especially for green skyscraper. He applied in most of his design with green element such as sky parks and roof top vegetation that brought a new dimension to the appearance of contemporary architecture. Approximately half of the surface area of the EDITT Tower will be wrapped in organic local vegetation, and passive architecture will allow for natural ventilation and a biogas generation plant all wrapped within an insulating living wall that covers half of its surface area. The verdant skyscraper was designed to increase its location’s bio-diversity and rehabilitate the local ecosystem in Singapore’s ‘zeroculture’ metropolis.


The Humanatian Works / Shigeru Ban

Shigeru Ban, a young Japanese architect for instance has a different way of current context contemporary architecture. Pritzker Laureate Shigeru Ban may be as well known for his innovative use of materials as for his compassionate approach to design. He has applied his extensive knowledge of recyclable materials, particularly paper and cardboard, to constructing high-quality, low-cost shelters for victims of disaster across the world - from Rwanda, to Haiti, to Turkey, Japan, and more.


In conclusion, contemporary architecture influenced by many factors. These factors are the main context for the architects to design the building. Architecture is much more than designing pretty façades or expressive sculptures. It is about creating man-made ecosystems, where we channel not only the flow of people, but also the flow of resources through our cities and buildings. Architecture today is one that serves society culturally and practically, addressing tangible problems of 21st century cities and dealing with context in a solution-oriented manner, going beyond aesthetics (whose value is only temporary) and into future-invested urbanism.


" A building is like a soap bubble. This bubble is perfect and harmonious if the breath has been evenly distributed from the inside. The exterior is the results of an interior." —— Le Courbusier.

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