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“It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” -Colin Chapman.

I would say that neither simplicity nor complexity in term or architecture are both hard to define because different people would have different perspective on these particular terms.


For me, the design project that I would like to further discuss are the project we’ve been through last semester, local museum in Kg Baru Sg Chua. To talk broadly about the project overall, my design was more going with the concept of simplicity but once again we have to clarify that simplicity is differ from simpleness.














First of all, the processes we’ve been carried out in order to lead us to the final design such as precedent study, site visit and site analysis are all useful elements which contribute to our design. We have to consider each and every solutions and functional requirements and make it into the complete building. For us as a new beginner along the design process, we would always likely able to give some simple and basic outcomes, but these simple design actually need to undergoing lots of fine and clear design processes. Therefore, it was a simplicity and enrich project where it actually design to cover human needs, building needs and site context.


The next interesting point about my project is that my design was a fully open space to surrounding and have a fully 360 degree view. With the minimum architectural elements that I apply into my projects I can said that it was what the word “simplicity” envelope. According to my understanding, simplicity is using the combination of minimal design elements to provides an enrich connotations for the entire building. By minimal usage of internal wall inside the building, what I actually wants to do was let the natural winds to buffer into the museum and allow natural ventilation occur thus creates the most leisure and comfortable museum which adapt to the local needs. To works with the nature and not against it, was the design scheme runs through my entire design project and this again relate back to “simplicity” I mentioned earlier, by having a clear scheme and flow conducts the whole project.


Another point which relates to simplicity was, the relationship and connection of building itself to the local society. The more cultivated the person become, the more decoration disappear. Therefore, to enable the building itself blend into the local culture, I’ve apply the simple form and less-ornament concept. Connection between building and local community was simple, which is by lead people walk to surrounding leisure park and flea market with the invention of few pergolas. In order to encourage communication with locals, building is also built beside the existing bird pavilion which function as assembly area.















I tried to keep the existing condition as simple as possible rather than made it more complex.

To conclude the above, I think simplicity is the key goal in architectural design process and complexity should be avoided as possible.


What I strongly agree was, “It seems that perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” -Colin Chapman.

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