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Mohd Hatta Ismail

Architect Mohd Hatta Ismail is a designer , painter , sculpture and artist. He is from kuantan and own a design firm call D.I.A. His design aim is minimal ,contemporary to modern of timeless space . He inspire a lot from the Japan artist and architecture. He do lot of art painting and sculpture to inspire him in art, in the point he see in art not just the foam but then a feeling that can't be describe .

Talk about the sculpture of his , he talking about the papier mache bowl that he make . That he define that the bowl is not just a bowl , when people see the bowl will just consider the bowl to a bowl, but in his point of view that , the bowl is like a pair of hand that carry water, it's about the space that the water carry in it. The bowl can be define as a space . The material that he chosen also is minimal , he get what he have ,mostly recycle ,such as plastic or paper and make it in a bowl. He can make up to hundred bowl and choose one within it . That how he define perfection , finding perfection between the perfection .

In his painting , most you can see is very minimal. Just few shape and colour can descried what he wanted to presented. He said the painting he paint is what he view, different people may be seeing different thing in his point of view. He don't like the art in a foam . Many people describe his painting as abstract  but he don't describe him painting as abstract .

In architecture , he inspire from the minimal and Japanese.  He said that he tried to make the element in the house as minimal as possible, because nothing too much is good. That obviously he deny ornamental.  My favourite design in his work is silalima ,located at alor akar .There a big pond in front of the house and which make argue between him and the owner of the house because of the parking space. But the pond does giving a calm feeling and cool down effect in the country like Malaysia  And yet the parking issue have been solve later.

He use lot of high concrete wall to give privacy , at the same time also to separate between the space and perspective. Which some wall is to block the view from the neighbourhood or the detraction from the main road.

He also introduce courtyard into the design ,to give air ventilation and natural skylight . Even in the toilet he giving a high skylight to let the natural light to come in and air ventilation at the same time.  He also add in green in the house and outside the house. He believe that people have to live with natural to create a comfortable lifestyle.


Come to the conclusion, the thinking of hatta is not just architecture, he can transforming art into architecture and also architecture into art. That sometimes we should not just think architecture in the way of architecture, we may think freely because we are artist. 

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