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Ornament is a crime ? Once decried as an architectural "crime", surface decoration is making a comeback in contemporary architecture – with striking results by MATT GIBBERD & ALBERT HILL.


Ornament architecture consider as a crime in the1930 century  . Ornament is being luxury ,the more the ornament in the building, such as a clothing, the more jewellery on it, the more production its need, these goes the expensive price. Ornament also act as a label of richness at that time, even nowadays.  When some people can go broke in decorated their palace in that age . when the machine come in, everything become cheap. As soon as its become cheap, suddenly the plainer a object , the more valuable its suddenly become. Even a painting or art piece in the museum can be cost a few million. Ornament means wasted labor and therefore wasted health. That was always the case. Today, however, it also means wasted material, and both mean wasted capital.

Architecture today have been transform ornament into between technology ,culture, economic ,environment and artistic.  The role of ornament in architecture today is to express ornament to combine into modern ,art and the most important to be economic.

To involve the technological technique into ornament such as movable facade in building to shade the sunlight . current technology can be done ornament in a modern way by the current machineries compare to the old times. The culture of ornament in different century , such as greek and roman . most of the ornament inspire from these. In my hometown sarawak , even the iban have their own ornament nor only their building even their outfit .


Ornament in economic, in the past only when these ornamented things have been made from the best material with the greatest care, and have taken up many man-hours of work. Now, ornament will become economic because of machine ,not even expensive material ,some artist even could use recycle material to create art. Talk about ornament in environment also, ornament like to use lot of expensive matrial such as gold, sliver, marble ,gems and stones. Its may shipping and carried from different country and lot of shipping and mining process which cost the price extremely expensive and environment unfriendly .which the shipping process will cost alot of patrol wastage and mining cost lot of labour wastage . Artist nowadays will be using local material and cheaper material which can get easily ,even organic material to create ornament art.


Ornament is artistic , somehow you can define does its look ugly or its nice. The ornament in the past may be fancy and the ornament currently may be plain or simple after the effecting of modernism , minimalism  and age. Even in fashion , somehow the piece can't be understandable, but somehow there a bunch of people supporting and some denying . Same goes to art and architecture, nothing going to be perfect and suitable for everyone 'ornament".


Ornament is not essential to architecture but people continue to like it. Perhaps we may think why after all people still doing ornament although some people say its a crime. Maybe they are right or wrong. Ornament it's not a crime, it's a culture of the past .

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