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As way of seeing

Urban Archipelogo Projects

As a drifting platforms that can fill urban spaces such as some old housing at the community space , the project trying to develop a new architectural scale that is able drift and change between the body, to renew body the city and the landscape ,transforms different areas into theatres, school zones and stages . Built with a combination of tectonic elements and formal conditions , the design investigate the capacity of people to engage with evolving urban morphologies and different methods of making art.

Eric design method 

- make installations to create constant impact

-respond to local history and incidents

-revitalize the forgotten space with community programs

-bringing back the memory

-creation and interventions

- let building or installation create as way for community platform

Urban floating islands

These three urban floating islands returned to the starting point of architectural ideology when the old village people live close to each other and now we lose it. So the installation is like a time machine bring back the lose culture. The team develop an architectural scale that is able to drift and change between the body , city and the landscape.

Time machine – a modular camera like structure , or Eric described it as a ‘car’ when dealing for permit to cross around the city  from the government of Taiwan.

Art exhibition hall - a moving structure, that display artwork to reflect the micro living that happened around urban citizen.

Water story house - a concept of moving zoo which located at site of school, allow student to pump the old original river site water and also allow kid to plant and harvest at the roof garden .

Moving garden & Voice house - act as a structure which incorporate with Taiwan hospital and allow to spread the info and knowledge of hospital. Even have talk about health and introduce about healthy lifestyle to the community


Island house -using the concept of island which form naturally, which it's could be conflict, adaptation , imitation, generation and damage . By this structure , it can connect the relationship between island and island .

2016 Urban Archipelago

Complete Talk by Eric 

As conclusion, Eric say as an architect, we should go out on the street, create something different among others. When we having workout in Johor together, he told us that even sometimes his expenses is over than the budget that they gave. But because he is doing what he like , he don't mind to go broke.  He say finding something you like is important , when Mr. Teoh ask him that he should rest more but he said while he doing architecture and art he is resting . I am strongly agrees with that, finding your passion in what you do , that the fuel make you keep doing .

"So that they become nomadic, swing practitioners, so, the edge is not a limit and it is thinking of the show; things always have open heterogeneous ends, pull out the biggest tension at both ends, and cautious, specifically in this Between the building and the arts, buildings and construction equipment, the body and feeling between the same." - ERIC CHEN


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