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Form follows function is a principle associated with modernist architecture and industrial design in the 20th century. The principle is that the shape of a building or object should be primarily based upon its intended function or purpose. The importance of form is perhaps one of the most contentiously debated subjects in contemporary architectural discourse. Either form follow function or function follow form . Form it's about structure itself and the form is body and the flesh of the human. The function is like the organ in the human body, of what its different function is in the flesh .


From Louis Sullivan’s text, “all things in nature have a shape, that is to say, a form, an outward semblance, that tells us what they are, that distinguishes them from ourselves and from each other”. Architecturally, the form of every single building plays an important role because the form gives the first impression to the users and it can attract and provoke human visual sensation based on its exterior form. Form tells people what the buildings are and the characteristics of of it without entering the space. 



shape  or configuration of a building.  The reciprocal relationship isessential, given the intention of architecture to provide internal sheltered space for human occupation. 


The importance of form is perhaps one of the most contentiously debated subjects in contemporary architectural discourse.  However, the conceptual divide between those (like the author of this essay) who question the validity of “formalist” architecture, and those who embrace form as a fundamental aspect of architectural production, need not (and should not) represent the equivalent of an ideological impasse.  For both, form matters; what is in question is how and why it matters




A building or a space is well said as based on the purpose of it , none of the space is being ignored or wasted in use , is a matter of confusion and controversy within the profession, particularly in regard to modern architecture.

Staircase with its function with outlook and form.

The meaning of "function" in architecture is the essential act that an object, ideas or space should carry out, which can also be simplified as the "usage", in terms of structures, ornaments, surfaces and openings of every particular building. From Adrian Forty's text about "Function", different philosopher has their own opinion and definition on function. From Horatio Greenough's words, function was biological "as the first step in our search after the great principles of construction.....observe the skeletons and skins of animals." Besides, "function was the inner spiritual force that determined organic form" by Louis Sullivan's opinion. From my own opinion, what I think the function is the purpose of the architecture. 


        Undoubtedly, the relationship between form and function in architecture today cannot be divided and defined very clearly whether form follows function of function follows form. They are relied on each other to form a real building. Different design has different way to communicate, has different purpose.

Walt Disney Concert Hall / Frank Gehry


The architect, Frank Gehry, does not follow the modern principles of architecture and rebels against the notion that “form follows function.”  Instead, he uses warped forms in his designs.  Inspired by his love of sailing, Gehry’s inspiration for the concert hall comes from his love of sailing.  The steel curves resemble the sails of a clipper ship.

Frank Gehry spent more than a decade designing the Convert Hall, and used a sophisticated software (originally used to design French fighter jets) to translate his design into a plan that was buildable.At night, the stainless steel reflects the lights of downtown Los Angeles.The hall's sweeping, metallic surfaces have become associated with Frank Gehry’s signature style.

Louvre Museum

I M Pei




​Fully applying steel and glass in this masterpiece. 
A museum doesnt has to be like a house , 
A pyramid doesnt has to be in Egypt , 
this is a creative project merging the organic shapes with the function . Using this form , create the museum space underneath the ground level

Form can follow function as much as it can be an integral part of the best architecture of its time, as it was in Sullivan’s and Wright’s thinking and built works. It demands reconsideration. To my mind , i think that its not constant to be fixed that Form must follow function , we are now heading approach the future architecture , it is an unknown world with lots of probabilities , Form and Functions are two basic terms in every single building . Which one comes first is not important , how successful they blend in into each other is the most concerning point nowadays.

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