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materiality and immateriality

Talk about the materiality and immateriality in architecture, the main purpose is creating shelter .Materiality is the concept of various material of image, texts or other objects of representation.  Immateriality is a form without material , more on the senses of human such as visual, touch , taste , hear and sound.


​The role of materiality today is much more than immateriality , most of the architect design consider restrings because of economic , manpower ,time , cost and material. They only consider on the cost of material, structure and the facade design. But some of the architect would think of the immateriality too, such as the sense of human. Bringing in nature sunlight , nature element and create comfortable atmosphere.

In materiality and immateriality  , the material could be disparity. Materiality will be consider of the texture of wood ,layering of stone , the structure element and the finished. It more on actual thing nor the human senses part.  In the others hand, the material in immateriality could be exaggeration and unexpected. Some of the designer using lighting such as natural light to create harmony feeling or led lighting to create even boundary which function as a wall.

In human perception, immateriality touching the senses of human , which create the feeling toward building and human sense.  That you can touch , taste ,view ,feel and see the building element . In the value , materiality will be more valuable because it more suit the sociality need, which on the material side.  Imagine a house build by immateriality element , will that be safe and livable ? But some architect have success did that.

 In Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Blur Building, 2002 in Swiss expo , it using very minimal of material to create transparency effect , which the site is on a lake, when its operate, the fog is release to even create like a barrier of the whole site , which bringing the immateriality into architecture materiality into the whole new level. Blur had neither and was the result of nothing: no program, no functional requirements, no size definition, no site mandates, no occupancy targets or public flow rates. Similarly, our response was intent on delivering nothing. We gave the site back to itself disguised as architecture. In the ‘cafe’, visitors could drink the building (and thus the site) in the form of packaged water. Instead of a media rich, high definition visual environment, upon entering blur, one can see nothing and hear nothing. The sound of the building being perpetually remade through 30,000 high-pressure fog nozzles was dominant. Vision was fore grounded as the paramount sense through its repression.

video of blur 2002 swiss

In others word, materiality and immateriality is both important . due to the shortage of man power, material and the economic , should be more consider on the material, such as material that you have  and most easy to get .To follow the natural order and begin with the material that man first used for building . In immateriality , its about human senses, building is build for human , so its should be consider as in the part of the consideration too.  

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