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PAM Public Lecture


On 8th February 2017, I went to the PAM Public Lecture that held at Black Box, Publika. The lecture was talked about “ACQUIRE Understanding”, is the idea of relating senses to objects and spaces towards consciousness allowing greater insights into art, object, form and space. How the object or subject being drawn in the gesture of sketching, of laying and repeating lines could brought deeper appreciation out. The understanding of objects and spaces are furthered through this practice of appreciation rather than the conflicting interpretations inherent within them.

The speaker Mohd Hatta Ismail, Atelier DIA (Design, Interior, Architecture), is popularly known, is no stranger to Malaysian design circles. He is an educator, designer, conceptualist, generalist and mentor to many. His work had many interests and domains, driven by an inquiring intellect and deep passion. His expansive fields of operations and collaborations with diverse practitioners promise to serve up a rich and insightful lecture.

Hatta showed a few of painting and sculpture to start the topic of the lecture. The papier mache, that make by them, using different material of paper and transform into sculpture, seen from other people maybe it become a bowl, but for him they was talked about space. He converted his understanding of spaces and objects into sculpture or even a piece of art and painting. I think this is a good start to get idea for design. He took the elements that he found on place, surrounding, site, explored it; create several of drawings and sculpture. Ya, numerous of them until he received the result that he wanted.

Architecture is combined by art and science.

Hatta also shared a few of his project works, some of them make me interested and gave me deep impression. Here, I share some of my opinion and interest of his project.

SILALIMA, was a guests house which located at Alor Akar. He used the slice design spatial relationship to control the view of each space, to isolate the noise from the road. We could directly see a pool in front of the entrance. Someone asked him, “why was the pool there? Is it in need?” He said, “I just want a pool, if you want a car pouch please find for others …” I think that this is irresponsible behaviour, be a designer, should able to explain every single things that you design and know the purpose of it, not just design for your own like and don’t have meaning behind it at all. He loves courtyard, in every single room got the interior courtyard; it is a little green space for guest to relax and the sunlight get into the room indirectly to create a comfortable space.

“I like to take the things out of the space, instead to put the things in…” I like this concept of him, he made the space clean and comfortable to live or stay.

He said, “You mimic someone’s work, copy and copy, eventually become your work…” I think this could be yes and not. For yes, we could see for others work, learn from it by taking the element out that you interested, adding your own design then only become the work. For not, copy would kills the creativity of someone, the brain become laziness and stop to think.

What is your purpose become a architect?


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