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Our project is located at balik pulau , penang . This project is to be adaptive reuse what it's have on site and also appreciated the site strength and stress. So its come back to the concept adaptive reuse. Adaptive reuse is the process of repurposing buildings—old buildings that have outlived their original purposes—for different uses or functions while retaining their historic features. It is also a perfect way to revive a place and has a major role to play in the sustainable. but in the same time conserving the resources.In short, adaptive reuse is you preserve the past, and you build your future without forgetting the historical, culture and identity of the place.



“…a place is given as such a character or ‘atmosphere. A place is therefore a qualitative…”   -  Christian Norberg-Schulz

This objective of the project is to create insightful and innovativedesigns to convert existing used building of Balik Pulau into an artist village(adaptive reuse), a place for artistes to come-together and exchange cultural and art. As I mentioned above, from this project my work is focusing on “place-based”. In conjunction with the theme of the project - “adaptive reuse”, contextualism is the dominant factor during the design development to indicate and determine the organization, building form, material use, and circulation. “A place is not just the “where” of something; it is the location plus everything that occupies that location seen as an integrated and meaningful phenomenon.”


As the design , my previous assignment 2 on this project is yayoi kusama , who is an oku. So on this design i will be much more concern on the oku route. As our site have a river infront of the site and also padi field and mangrove area at the back of the site .  So this have to be in the consideration of the design.


Talking about the culture of the site, I realise that the residence in Balik Pulau prefer to travel by motorbike or bicycles as they could travel through the alley/shortcuts from one place to another. Thus, instead of providing lots of car park, I provide bicycle/motorcycle parking. Besides, as Balik Pulau is known for being the place of inspiration, where people from the cities and foreigners would come here and have a bicycle ride around Balik Pulau to experience the village’s peacefulness.


On the other hand, i found that in balik pulau there is no a proper gathering or focus area for the resident . So in my design i did provide a big gathering field for bazaar or big scale installation for artist . Material wise, most houses there use plastered concrete blocks or woods as their construction material. Thus, without any hesitation, So i choose more raw material as finishing to reflect the context for the site.


For reflect the housing design, i would not want to redo the structure too much , so i explode the facade out and reuse it as a gallery wall panel, but at some angle still able to see the original facade  of the house . i also separate the visitor and designer by flooring, ground floor is more to visitor and then first floor is more for artist private area.


To conclude, this place-based design proposal just belongs to the site, it does not mean anything if the building is relocated to elsewhere because it tells the story of the site.


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