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Arrival Review


simon wong sie how


Arrival is a science fiction film directed by Dennis Villeneuve and written by Eric Heisserer. It about the spacecraft appear at the earth and the "first contact" of human communicated with the heptapod, a look vaguely like some higher power merged an octopus with giant hand . There two main characters , Amy Adams as Louise Banks ,as a linguist in the movie. Jeremy Renner as Ian Donnelly ,as a theoretical physicist in the movie.  In the movie, Louise interaction with the heptapods , as they communicate, its change the way she think . Not just in perspective, but physical change all base on language .

The film begin with her daughter ,who die young after being attack by a rare disease. Talking about the female characters , she is a lecturer in the college and work for government before for some translation jobs. She is around middle 30 year old . She is a determine person, she live alone in the lake side house.  One day that 12 unidentified flying object enter earth that totally change her life , Louise and Ian been hire to do the first contact with the unidentified flying object. While they both reach the camp , their job is find the way communicate with the heptapod.  In the first contact , she try to talk to the heptapod and the heptapod reply in a whale echo sound. Then she learn to use writing language to communicate and learn the heptapod word. She did not give up to try everyway, even risk her life to take off the suit to let the heptapod to see her face and Ian do so too. She is brave to do what she want to do even sacrifice his life . she teach heptapod how to know all the word and also knowing their language .

Dr. Louise Banks: What happens now?
Colonel Weber: They arrive. 
Dr. Louise Banks: They need to see me.
Agent Halpern: Dr. Banks, are you insane?
Dr. Louise Banks: Now that's a proper introduction.





When Dr. Banks meets with the aliens for the first time, she quickly drops her protective suit, much to the displeasure of the others. She knows that to make a proper introduction, she needs to let them see her.

Louise also has darkness in her life, in the process of learning and contact with heptapod. She seen her detail of birth,her life and death of a child. The scene keep appear in her mind that make her confuse . Then they ask the final question to heptapod, 'what the purpose of they came to earth'. Heptapod reply ,to find the weapon, but then they confuse between weapon and tools. That where the war almost create . The china general shang and several country want to bomb the space ship . if they don't leave . Then louise came to the space ship alone to meet the heptapod and they communicate,heptapod told her that they came to give human the knowledge because of 3000 years ,human going to help them. Then Louise realise she have the ability to see future after she learn their language , then she seen her future to communicate with the general shang ,and she let general shang  to change his mind of destroy the spaceship.

In the end of the movie ,because she see her future .She saw that ian will be her husband and ian will leave her because of she tell him the truth that their daughter will die. But in the end she did not change her mind, they still stay together. She still choose to not to change her future even she know that.

This movie is doing a mixture of past and present ,  that at first you tot that she is married but at the end the story actually its just beginning ,because the scene is all in the future .The movie also use a lot of sound effect to really bringing you into the creepy scene ,memory scene and so on. The film isn't perfect ,the aliens is not amazing enough. Also ,two hours run time, it just a brain workout ,to identify that every meaning of the scene and the thinking of Louise.

As someone who speak few language on daily basic, i felt that my personality can be expressed differently by different language. In different mood , it may come out with different language . if you are start learning an alien language , you brain might flashback to you death .



So , if you are Louise, will you change your future if you can see your future?


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