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Catrina Stewart

Catrina Stewart is a cofounder and partner at Office S&M, an architectural design studio based in London. She splits her time between teaching, practice and play. She was a lead designer, architect and model maker for the computer game Lumino City. She grew up in Italy which her family is toy maker who designing toys which inspire her while her young doing toys. Then she move to uk and study art and architecture. She call what she doing " playing architecture ', she said that 'creativity is intelligent of having fun, life is fun.

The Farmhouse Project

Playing architecture is actually about play and architecture, its about how people experience play and allow play happen in the architecture and space which let the space to play . Its may look unreal and magical but seeing something impossible be real and use is possible to her . She said that the colour use will be effect the play of space also one of the best projects that i like from her is Southwark farmhouse. The Farmhouse project explores the use of colour to attract people to the building and entice them into using the public toilets by using the same principles used for colour in marketing and advertising. Without its public toilets the community would not be able to survive. The more visitors the building can attract the more power, food and water will be produced. New public toilets will be erected across the borough in order to collect human waste to power the Farmhouses. New communities will begin to grow around the more popular public toilets, creating new Farmhouses. The project may seen unreal but somehow she think about the human living condition and the self survive of the building that it's generate it own power which by human waste which is what human need now . 


HAMLEY WINDOW DISPAY The display holds a series of optical illusions, where the magic can be seen by the child, while adults can only see the confusing mechanism behind the trick. Children can show adults the enchanted world they see, if the adult is brought down to child height again. At the same time, the child can only see the full picture by being raised up to their future height as an adult.



Europa Stage

Europa Stage The stage was designed to have two uses, one was for the EUROPA opera and the other was for the Bloomsbury Fete. We filled the square with interactive architecture –see-saws, slides, tables, drums and ladders, all of which were used by thousands of people on the day of the festival as well as forming the stage for the EUROPA opera.

Europa Stage

Europa Stage

Europa Stage

Europa Stage










POCKET PUBLIC GARDEN The Public Pocket Park provides a new public living room, consisting of a pocket park and a flower shop, returning much needed social space to the high street. At the same time, a new awning for the flower shop will drape over the garden offering shelter and a stoa for locals to gossip under.



In the talk she talk about her work lumino city which mostly building model by hand for games. Hamley  toys window design for children which inspire from magician and the history of hamley , she also consider about the eye level of children and bringing back the peephole design . Europa which the light weight structure sculpture become the furniture . ARUP, tower of caryatids engineer firm making a big structure inspire by the history of engineering which its look hard but actually its soft and can be furniture for user. Also the pocket public garden which she inspire by circus and its canvas roof which can be any shape and any colour. the site its a abandon floral shop and which people use to pee there and smell really bad.  So that she introduce a new design of new floral shop and public toilet , and doing out door sitting for smoking purpose and also bbq are for park area.

Catrina Stewart she allow play happen in every design space and architecture. But at the same time she think about the function which giving back the benefit back to human . she did not forget the original purpose of her design and get inspire by the surrounding and the history . yet she did not fail to present play in her design .


Charlie Sutherland











Charlie Sutherland his concept of his design is more to blend in with the context and also respect the context of the site.  He use a lot of same tone or material to blend his building with the site. The site and site history also inspire him while he do his design. He also respect the original structure of the building which minimise the demolish to the less as possible . such as his project in lawson park the house which located in a farm he appreciated the old stone facade of the house by just renovated the interior of the house and also open up some part of the roof to allowing sunlight .

An turas The building is experienced as a 3-part spatial sequence, The White Walls; open to the sky but sheltered from the wind. The Bridge; protected from the weather, closed to the sky and the horizon but open to the rock and sand of the beach below. The Glass Box; a complete panorama, looking out along Gott Bay and beyond. He also designs to blend in the contour of the site t blend in with the site. The black and white colour is inspired from the countryside house beside the site. it blend with the natural enclosure and also provide a shelter with view for the arrival from the jetty . On his concept could be learn about that we should appreciated on the context of the site and also the element of the site . let the building be part of it and blending in softly .

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