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Public Lecture - 15 Mac 2017

Definite | Infinite by Charlie Sutherland


In this post, I will discuss about Between Definite & Infinite by Charlie Sutherland. Sutherland Hussey Harris have no doubt doing a great job at manipulating space to blend with nature and to blur the boundaries between inside and out, between real and imagniation. As he said, "Architecture, we have to learn to imagine before they eventually become real". I will say most of the projects that they done were almost poetic.


AN TURAS/Sutherland Hussey Harris

Located near to the pier, the structure is intended to act as a ‘shelter’ whilst waiting for the ferry. It is hoped that it will reflect some of the qualities of the island, the big sky and horizon, the white beaches, the monochromatic black houses dotted over the land all distilled as a line in the landscape. The building is experienced as a 3-part spatial sequence: The White Walls; open to the sky but sheltered from the wind.The Bridge; protected from the weather, closed to the sky and the horizon but open to the rock and sand of the beach below.The Glass Box ; a complete panorama, looking out along Gott Bay and beyond. I would say that it is definitely, the building he created with definite with the quality of spatial sequence. The infinite of view from the frame of the sky/scenery.


Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop (ESW) Making Space for Making Art / Sutherland Hussey Harris

I will say that, Sutherland Hussey Harris they are good using term of ‘definite’. To ‘definite’ the building with the fine use of materiality, as whatever you seen on the bare ground, it is on the surface of the building which created a clear boundary. ‘Infinite’ at using space, poetic with the light and shadow, volume and form. The light and shadow in between the building had reclaimed their own spaces, clear to show each spaces where they belong to. Also, I aware that Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop (ESW), the overall design had the gene of Scarpa style, not in the detail part ; in the form part, where the part building leveling up and the opening created on top.


Chengdu Museum / Sutherland Hussey Harris

The New Chengdu Museum sits on the West side of the square and maximises its profile to present a façade of commensurate scale and proportion to embrace and address the huge scale of this new square and establishes a strong formal relationship to it by forming a simple enclosing rectilinear profile. The building further enjoys and celebrates  this relationship to this monumental public space  by extending an internal promenade of public foyers and circulation behind the entirety of the veiled façade addressing Tian-Fu Square. It then become definite of exterior and infinite for the interior. Here’s why, definite of the enveloping structure ; infinite  possibilities of activities that happened at interior.


To conclude the lecture talk, I will rather simplified them as definite with building form ; infinite with the site context and materiality. Where the collaboration both of them create a great ambience and poetic in space, in order to achieve them, it is not that simple. It is indeed a precious yet memorable talk by Charlie Sutherland .

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