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Nature  X  Constructed

Maybe human should live like this ?  This is a coastal village on Shengshan Island is covered in greenery - a stark contrast to the metropolitan Chinese mainland. The buildings in the village have long been abandoned and vines freely creep through the windows and doors and up the walls.


Green is seen as an essential part of architectural context. Therefore again nature is key in architecture, be it that nature is considered an important issue in urban planning. Clearly that is a different thing than nature being an important part of the architectural context.




Nature is an important part of the context in traditional architecture, in general. Architecture responds to local conditions such as climate, geology and seismic conditions. In traditional architecture we often find a clear relation between local architecture, local conditions and local materials. Many architectural elements and features have a very practical origin.Architecture grew from rural, via urban and national to international and even global typologies. This increase of distance between source of materials and the location of application creates a decrease in the role of nature in the context of architecture.

 ‘Some fallen branches in the forest are the right material for his purpose; he chooses four of the strongest, raises them upright and arranges them in a square; across their top he lays four other branches; on these he hoists from two sides yet another row of branches which, inclining towards each other, meet at their highest point. He then covers this kind of roof with leaves so closely packed that neither sun nor rain can penetrate.’


The quote explained how human build and protect themselves from nature . As example nature including weather, topography, and all the surrounding thing that is not manmade. The architecture is build to house human and activities . Due to the over population and over development , nature have been ignore when building its architecture . By losing all these nature areas lead to the global warming issue. So, green architecture has been introduced which retreat and given back earth green while nature is not destroy even living with nature and building new structure with nature . For me , nature should come first while we design , the concern have to come first before we design everthing .

Local building materials and their properties are key in the technical design. Architecture has become independent from its natural context since early twentieth century. With becoming an independent art, architecture found references in its own realm. The design does no longer primarily reflect the natural conditions it is dealing with. The materials used do not necessarily indicate the geographical location of the project. The context of the design does no longer include the natural context. The context is based on references in architecture itself. The globalized architecture of international airports is an example.

Dubbed Izabelin House



·  Architects

REFORM Architekt

·  Location

Izabelin, Poland

·  Project Year


The project, dubbed Izabelin House, will be a structure that appears suspended in mid-air. Homes in rural areas to seamlessly blend a building with nature around them. Taking camouflage techniques a significant step beyond mimicry, architects in Poland have designed a house that will blend into a forest setting using mirrors. Mirrors will make up the first-story exterior, creating the illusion that it is an untouched forested area .Addressing the possibility of birds flying into the facade two ways. The surface of the second-story will not be reflective, and a sounding device on the lower level will warn birds if they get too close to the reflective surface. This is a measure that could limit bird fatalities in cities, where large, glassy facades are even more common.

This expansive green building is the property of the California Academy of Sciences in the USA, one of the largest natural history museums of the world. It features a roof of rolling hills and fields, in which weather stations, solar panels, and biodegradable vegetation trays are embedded.

Featuring a beautiful 15-step green terrace, this Japanese building offers a solution to developers’ need for profitable use of a site and the public’s need for open green space. Its outer design is reminiscent of natural hills while the inside is fully modern, as ACROS Fukuoka houses an exhibition hall, a museum, a proscenium theater, and more.

Reminiscent of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Naman Retreat in Vietnam features vertical facades propagated by various climbing plants. The design is created to produce a relaxing environment and establish a connection with nature.



 Identical to trees the unique OAS1S architecture is tall, slim, detached, and has spectacular facades of vertical gardens.

 These "treetowers" are basic, classic, aesthetic, and biomimetic, a true fusion between both architecture and nature.

 The iconic OAS1S units are shaped as a numeral 1, and answer to the deep human need to be 1 with nature.

Nature is almost being ignore in architecture nowadays . We acknowledge that man needs a balanced relationship with nature instead of total separation from it and we seek for pieces of nature in our artificial environment. Green is seen as an essential part of architectural context. Therefore again nature is key in architecture, be it that nature is considered an important issue in urban planning. So let's be green be nature and respect the nature who even exist before us.

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