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There are days that define your story beyond your life, like the day they arrived.

As one of alien invasion movie, I could say that the “Arrival” movie is definitely one to remember.

Differ from others traditional movie story line, this movie actually telling the story the other way round in a non-linear way ,

which input extensive of flashback scenes.

Firstly, the writer draws viewers in by reveals the bitter end of the protagonist,Louise and her daughter.

“This is the first day they arrived” kick off the beginning of the first act.The writer builds up the tension atmosphere and let the viewers know that how brilliant the protagonist is, her characteristics (loving mother, patient lecturer, understanding person) and this is good for her upcoming role as an “alien language” interpreter.

Into the second act part, the development is slow and steady. Louise and Dr Ian were assigned to enter one of the spaceships to find out the purpose of the arrival of heptapods. This part actually takes some time to answer the question on their poster “Why they are here?” but I think I’m not patient enough to watch the circle ink thingy splashed by the grilled octopus one by one. Opps...sorry, it is heptapod....Also at the same time Louise started to more frequently flashback about her future as she learning the new language, as they mentioned language can change people’s way of thinking.

For the third act, I think that this it was a bit rush compare to 1st & 2nd act.Louise start to write using the “ink”,meaning she mastered most of the 1/12 part of gift.It quickly ends up once General Shang received Louise’s call but the wrap up is pretty good in the way she actually decided to embraces the changes of her life although she knew what are going to happens.

For me, the story flowed nicely but just that a little slow-paced,but I guess it made sense because trying to comprehend what we can’t understand takes time, just as Louise learns the language. But it also seems to be like very confusing at the beginning part and might easily lose viewer’s interest but the ending wraps it up well when we actually understand that the “weapon” is actually the language which divided into 12 parts because they wants humanity to work together and share the gift. The movie like real life, where we all speak so many languages on earth, having wars and hating each other, only one fine day if a few alien spaceships approach to us, everyone will fight and won’t have the same point of view. Then give us some new languages, maybe the world will be a different place? Hahaha.

Back to the title, issues not addressed part...One particular scene approaching to climax, Louise drifts to the future where she meets General Shang and got his phone number & echoed his wife’s dying words, this line has become an unexpected plot twisting point of the whole movie but why it has been censored ?

Besides, I didn’t clearly understand why Louise was chosen to go to the alien site actually. What she did in the past make her qualified to go such a top secret place. Her past is teaching about language, and they did mentioned what she did in the past for her clearance, but I still don’t understand.

One more thing is that the heptapods said that they will need help in the future maybe 3000 years later, and that’s why they came to send the gift to humanity but why don’t they just pass the message to Louise and tell her what they need help on instead?


 Perhaps we have to stay tuned for Arrival part 2 then.

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