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Public Lecture  - 8th Feb 2017

by Mohd Hatta Ismail | ATELIER DIA

"ACQUIRE, understanding, is the idea of relating senses to objects and spaces towardsa consciousness allowing greater insights into art, object, form and space. This notion follows the gesture of sketching, of laying and repeating lines to bring about a deeper appreciation of those lines, and of the object/subject being drawn……”


These were the words surround the hall before Mr Hatta began his talk. Mr Hatta, he then started to walk toward the stage and present his work…


It started with the art craft, he was  so passionate about the material – paper. Using different kind of papers and paste to transform them into pieces of plate ( or to him are sculptures ). The understanding of objects and spaces are furthered through this practice of appreciation rather than the conflicting interpretations inherent within them.


“ From far you may see a herd of cows, but each of the cow are different texture. Like we all human, but different faces…”


Mr Hatta ,he himself was so patient on the process of the work and the final outcome, though he had no idea what he was doing about. I respect to him for his passionate about the works he did, the art craft, but it was another level that normal people like us would not understand. Doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results.


He then talked  the abstract drawings. Focusing primarily on the intellectual functions of objects and visual expressions of colour and texture. He mentioned about how he using all these to assist in the orchestration of objects and spaces, which are only a natural reaction to architects intent. He said, “ abstract drawing was that unexplainable which was undefined…” I was having the thought then, “abstract drawing usually was unable to be understand by viewers, I agree with him this part. But the painter should have the responsible with what he was doing about while painting.” Even though the painting was finished with the condition unconsciously way, he should be able to explain it.


Then, Mr Hatta talked about the building which he used SLICE spartial relationship to design, SILAIMA. He used slicing method to control the view and as a buffer to descend the noise apart from the road.  He mentioned humorously, “ I just want a pond, if you want a car porch please seek for others…”.  Crowd laughed. But , he said he designed with ‘intend’ . Which is something irrelevant , at least for me, everything that start with ‘intend’ but no ‘purpose’ ,it was like you were doing something without considering about the situation. When he talked about the house SILAIMA, the first building that came in my mind was Ludwig Mies van Der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilion. He was like mimic the Mies’ work.


”You mimic someone’s work continuously, copy and copy, eventually it became your works.”


Well said, I smiled. I would not say agree nor disagree to his words, but for me, this is a lazy way for those lazy thinkers. Doing so was  actually kills the creativity he/she who copied, and does not appreciate the works for those who spent so much time on dwelling the designs and solving the problems. For example, Mies’ work, the pavilion’s design is based on a formulaic grid system developed by Mies that not only serves as the patterning of the travertine pavers, but it also serves as an underlying framework that the wall systems work within. The roof structure is supported by eight slender cruciform columns that allow the roof to as effortlessly floating above the volume while freeing up the interior to allow for an open plan. At least, one can learn from the designs or solutions of those dwellers, but doing it in another way or reinterpret the work in our own way.


The question that I wanted to ask him that night was , Adolf Loos wrote about the article "Ornament and Crime" , how would you think your own artcraft to his article? Because to me, you are like very enjoy doing those work for your own pleasure and it does not relate to them when you come to design.


In short, I would prefer to consider him as an artist or sculptor more than an architect. He seems like the sculptor who seeking the pleasure on his own work rather than the paid. Well, what I learnt from him is being happy with your passion and you do not mind going full nerd.




From left, Teoh Ling Sin, Simon Wong, Fong Chee Cheng, Mr Hatta, Sha Wan Xuan and me.

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