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Honesty and Deception in architecture field, what does it mean?

Honesty means you present the work in its reality without alteration. For example the material, we do not cover the texture with the others, just present what they are. Or the other way to describe, do not add too much of elements if that is unneeded. If 2 columns are needed we did not put 10.Deception might be describe as the “cheating” part of the structure. The materials are concealed with another layer or protecting the structure inside


In today architecture, the role of honesty and deception might different from different people point of views. For me there are honesty, deception or honesty and deception in one building.


For instance, the Harbin Opera House by MAD Architects.

Some people might define it as deception as the undulating shape of the structure and the steel structure is concealed by another layer.However,there will be the voice spoke out that the the metal cladding is to act as the roof to allow the rainwater to flow away in the side of honesty. Besides some might claim that the metal cladding is the deception and the aluminium facades the honesty (as some will defined the aluminium façade was the deception as it cover up the interior timber façade).Thus from the example I stated, there are difference point of view to one project in the aspect of honesty and deception.


For Sure, there are some architects who try to approach one of the aspects in today architecture. For instance Ng Sek San, one of the famous architects in Malaysia. From his projects we can see that the material he use are very raw and it really show its originally texture, which describing honesty in the topic.Besides, deception can be found from Seattle Central Library which located at United States by OMA and LMN.The jagged boxed is covered with a structural skin and voila.The real face of the building is concealed by another protection.



From John Ruskin’s point of view, he said “….whatever pretended is wrong…”like if the façade is concealed by another layer consider as a deception.However,he do accept the art as the cover for a façade which means he do accept the materials or elements that are art-crafted including bricks and stones.

From Vioullet-Lec-Duc, he brings in the mechanism, he accepts using new materials like steel or metals as long as the materials act as the structural support. As his sayings “Never received things as true unless it has been evidently recognised as such.”

From Fil Hearn, he comes with the idea “Truth to the medium, using material,” which he accepts new material to their own inherent virtues with the rules that the material is use to be structural support. He emphasize on that the material should bring up the building itself.

From my personal view after reading this 3 articles and related it in today’s architecture, the 3 writer came out with different point of view might because of the era they living in which influence their thought.


In today’s architecture, we are more arguing from the outlook of surfaces to define honesty and deception. For sure, the outlook is affecting by the structural support, like the example of Harbin Opera House the main structural was steel (structural support) but the metal cladding (outlook) is concealed on it .The outlook and structural support can be said that are actually closely related in the topic we are discussing about. Moreover, the surface not only can be the outlook but it might be the texture of walls, floors and others. In today architecture, some materials like tiles are pretending as timber which the factory applied the wooden texture into it. Thus, the point is that honesty and deception can be anything that we saw and interpret, or even the structural support that we seen.




Architecture today can be honesty, deception or honesty and deception. For me the rules are we can try to save the capital or the material when designing something no matter on honesty or deception .For example, if we do not need ornamentation (a layer to conceal), then we not to putting it in as it might costs us .However, if the concealment is with function, meaning and it was necessary to have it, then we will have it and might defined as honesty. And also try to merge with the cultural and environmental factor instead of only goes for aesthetic part while designing a structure.

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