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“Form Follows Function” or

“Function Follows Form”

The relationship of two terms “Form” and “Function” had been discussed and argued throughout the architecture life. Every architect or designer had their own perspective in define these two terms. Basically, the relationship of form and function can be categorize into “Form ever follow function” (by Sullivan) or “Function follow form” by Bernard Tschumi.

In my opinion, form and function are surely related and depends on the case studies or project to define whether form follows function or function follow form, which means both quotes work in today’s architecture. For instance, when we designing a space or a building, we will look either on form first then function or vice versa. BOTH ARE IN CONSIDERATION THROUGH THE DESIGN PROCESS. However, on one project we could clearly see the first intention of the architect.

The role of form and function keep changing and develop throughout times as there are some element behind which influence their role. One of the points is the new uses of element. For example a typical staircase which initially was design to connect the floors. However in today, the form of staircase might change due to addition in its function. The staircase now might design with seat or platform or even merged together with the ramp to make a staircase into more function. Some staircase not even looked like a stair after the special design.

The improvements on new technology also make influences on relationship of form and function of a building. With advance technology, the form of building changing from a typical cube (previous day) to organic form. For example Crescent Moon Tower in Dubai which is designed to accommodate a children’s library, a conference facility, restaurant, multiple cafes and an open –air observation platform. The form of this building is the symbolic of moon which highlighting Dubai’s association with the Islamic world. From here we could see that, the advance technologies nowadays allowed us to have an organic form which gives new life to architecture as we are not limit in a cube.

For contemporary studies which I think can describe form follow function is The Framing House by a Kouichi Kimura Architects in Japan. The house perfectly describe functionalism which over the aesthetic of form of it. It’s form (outlook) characterized by low levels of ornamentation and extraneous decoration, as well as a prominent display of a simple material. Following the idea that functions of the building come first as the client requested to have a space that can be used as a gallery in the house in addition to the habitable space. The request triggered creation of characteristic spaces within the building. The characteristic passage laid out from the street through the back of the building functions as the line of flow to the habitable space and the gallery. The passage space frames the courtyard connected to the back, giving perspective to the external appearance. Moreover, as a semi-open-air space, it allows multipurpose use while playing a role of linking the habitable space and the gallery, which makes the living spaces richer.


The best way to Bernard Tschumi’s “function follow form” is with adaptive reuse project, LeJeune Residence by Architecture Open Form located in Canada. The original building was built in 1890. Its transformation carried out in 2013, involved a play between municipal constraints and the clients’ vision. The original structure was remained but the façade is reconstruction. The goal was to transform the building, which was in an advanced state of deterioration, into a single-family residence with open living spaces, flexibility in the use of rooms and an interior architecture that opened to an exterior garden. Despite the fragility of the existing building and its structure, the owners envisioned an architectural approach that was sustainable, bold and high-quality, and at the same time respectful of the historic characteristics of the 125-year-old building and this shows “function follow form”.

In a nutshell, there is no right or wrong statement which can clearly defined the two quotes by Louis Sullivan and Bernard Tschumi. Form and Function are confidently related but defined in different way, in different people’s perspective view. For my point of view, a successful architecture should consider not only about the form or function but the two should come at the same time ,fulfill with the site context and consideration, human habit and user’s experience.

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