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Phenomenology is the interpretative study of human beings through their experiences in and of the world on a daily life basis. In other words, phenomenology seeks to describe the complexity of the experience through a better understanding of the relationship between objectivity and subjectivity. However, the adaptation of phenomenology to architecture has not been easy and sometimes even contradictory. In my opinion, phenomenology of a place can be said as a combination of setting, landscape, ritual, user’s experiences and routine in the context of place. Phenomenology demonstrated in architecture is the manipulation of space, material, and light and shadow to create a memorable encounter through an impact on the human senses.

In studio 4, we are require to create an innovative designs to convert the existing used building in Balik Pulau into an artist village, a place for artist to come-together and exchange cultural and art. Besides, we are also ask to always keep in mind the theme of adaptive reuse, space quality, materials consideration , functional , and site context. Therefore, I would like to categorized my design as a placed-based design.

As we know, the term” adaptive reuse” which is the theme of our design studio 4 , refers to the process of reusing the old site and old building for a purpose other than which it is designed for. Therefore, to design a place-based project is essential for us in order to meet the required. Place-based design in our case developed in accordance with the particular characteristics of Balik Pulau, materials of this region, and local cultural values. Our design should strive to create a connection between people and the landscape, as well as building a sense of community.

In order to acquire and then foster a sense of place, we’ve been through site analysis at Balik Pulau for 3 days and collected the data with a combination of occupation, story, cultural and history. When we have spent time in the place, then romance may follow – an idealistic view of the world from that place, a space from which to fall in love with aspects of the space. This is the essence "place-based" design and it drives almost every commission we undertake. By immersing ourselves in the project's setting, its culture, history, surrounding land forms, existing vegetation, and even the colors of the land and sky itself, in order to "tell the story" of the place for which we're designing.For instance, I didn’t changed much on the style of the house, remain the original green spaces behind the house , the roof structure and the partition of the house but further transform the space into exhibition space. The facades of the left elevation is remain as the element of the local materials such as wood plank and concrete low wall which somehow can recall the old memory of  Balik Pulau which at least for myself, I think to remain these element is actually adopt to the previous space quality but further development it to new space but contain the old conversation with locals. Furthermore, new element, the green walls are added in order to creates new language and provide shaded to screen the evening sunlight.

Phenomenology is the function of quality. Design should foremost consider sensory details when adding in collaborative program. Intimate memories of place are often derived from intricate forms of detail allowing a bond, beyond physical use of a building, an experience, to become ingrained in memory. In this our site context, there is a durian orchard behind our site which provides breath-taking view and buffer zone for our site. The moment when we walk into it, it somehow tends to link the connection of our senses to the nature. Therefore, I purposely transform this area and integrate a new programme in between the space under the trees. This not only encourage the circulation of visitors into nature, and at the same time creates memories of the place –Balik Pulau.


However, today architecture trend tends to bias to placelessness brings disconnectedness. Human experiences of a space turn it into a place. Place is not something to be lost, it can always be found if one recognizes its absence and commits to fostering its development over time. Let us consider the way in which we spend our lives. Our lives must be lived in and of places, not separate from them.


“To be human is to live in a world that is filled with significant places. To be human is to have and to know your place.”-E.Relph

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