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Context & Building


In architecture design we always have to design according site context , inspire from surrounding  . Context theory is the theory of how environmental design and planning of new development should relate to its project. When decisions have been made they are implemented by means of land Use planszoning plans and environmental assessments. A number of context theories set out principles for relationships new designs and the existing environment. The non physical element such as economy , political , cultural and social which also effect the design outcome. Creating Places and Spaces that enrich the lives of the people who use them is the foundation of Architects work. Every building can and should engage in a dialog with the history, beliefs and needs of a particular place and time. Identification of place lies as a generative core of architecture. Place is to architecture as meaning is to language. Recognition, memory, choice, sharing with others, the acquisition of significance; all these contribute to the process of architecture.

Talk about 5 point that support context and building


-Help local authorities and others to plan development in already built-up areas in the most efficient way – transforming them into more attractive places in which to live and work whilst actively conserving our cultural heritage and reinforcing identity of place.


-Promote sustainable development that reuses and does not sacrifice the assets which future generations will value for the sake of short-term and often illusory gains. It encourages sustainable growth.


-Communicate to elected members, professionals and community groups a wider understanding of how new interventions (buildings, structures and spaces) can successfully be undertaken in historic areas to create successful mixed use environments.


-Help those making decisions that affect sensitive areas to reach effective and balanced outcomes to create sustainable development that brings vitality and growth.


-Help communities with the process of taking long term decisions about their local built environment in a confident and sustainable way. It is a useful tool for those working on Neighbourhood Planning and other community planning exercises.


In the better planning of the city , “Everywhere in the city, by the shortest way.”Le Corbusier stated in his article, the access is important in the urban planning, he then intro his utopia city concept , he think about the need of  people , the context of the site and the tribute to the earth . which could be design better in the building and architecture to resolve all these problem such as Climate Change Deforestation,Pollution,Loss of Biodiversity ,Melting Polar Ice-Caps, Rising Sea Levels ,Oceanic Dead Zones and Explosive Population Growth.Architecture is one of the key drivers of climate change. Between construction and the energy required to keep buildings up and running.

O-14, A Dubai tower by RUR Architecture, is covered by a concrete exoskeleton that creates a chimney effect, pipping hot air up through the three-foot-deep space between the perforated shell and the building’s glass windows, keeping the interior cool. As more areas of the world face desert-like conditions due to climate change, this kind of passive climate control could be used to reduce buildings’ carbon footprint.


Rachel Armstrong of AVATAR (Advanced Virtual and Technological Architectural Research) investigates “living architecture,” using synthetic biology as a building tool. In Venice, Italy, she proposes using light-activated algae to build an artificial limestone reef under the canal city to keep it from sinking. As the Earth warms, coastal cities are at risk of disappearing under sea level rise. Venice won’t be the only city that needs propping up.


 Lava Laboratory for Visionary Architecture‘s concept for an outdoor plaza in the carbon neutral Middle Eastern eco-utopia Masdar City features solar-powered umbrellas that move with the sun and release heat when night falls. It creates usable public space in the midst of an extreme climate, which no doubt will play an important role in cities in the future.


​" A building is like a soap bubble. This bubble is perfect and harmonious if the breath has been evenly distributed from the inside. The exterior is the results of an interior." —— Le Courbusier.


In conclusion , architecture today should always incorporates the context of building into design in a very substantial ways . context creates communication channels into buildings and people around , people appreciate architecture if designer appreciate their culture and aesthetic values. Some architecture design without considering of context , its like a building putting down to the site with no soul, just like a robot. Context is everything and no one could design without consider the overall big picture of context.

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