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Organization and Proportion is important in architecture. They act as a fundamental idea that helps architecture to develop design in order to make a project harmony in scale and having a good spatial quality.

"One cannot give a certain and predetermined rule covering the heights and breadths of the main doors of buildings or the doors and windows of rooms ; so the architect must build the principal doors to match the size of the building" . Sir Andrea Palladio

Organization is to determine the separation or connection between similar or dissimilar uses helps to clarify aspects of use and establishes similarity or contrast between spaces. It draws form space planning and architecture corporate with knowledge form, for instance environment context and human behavior.


Proportion is an architectural theory and an important connection between mathematics and art. A good architecture should take consideration in proportion as it create a feeling and visual impact to the user. The proportions of a façade design can affect whether a building appears welcoming or threatening. The Modular system is the most famous standard of proportions used in architecture. It is a scale of measurements and proportions of the human body devised by architect Le Corbusier. 

In my opinion, proportion and organisation is necessary for human habitation and functioning. As human are the one who using the building, give a soul to the cube. We should consider design based on human body anthropometric studies for instance the height of a door entrance. The placement, location and dimension of space should consider about the human circulation. A wrong positioning of space will create a functional failure to the building. A well proportion and organisation can control the quality of building. Spaces are designed in right position with correct proportion for instance a toilet dimension should smaller than a bedroom or else the user will feel weird.



"Proportion provokes sensation, by Le Corbusier"

One of the contemporary studies is Church on the water; by Tadao Ando. This building have a well design proportion and organisation. The column and the spaces in the building create a fixed circulation. To gain entrance to the church, the visitor enters under a glass and steel cube at the northernmost end which houses four large concrete crosses that pull the gaze upwards. The path leads up and around these crosses, and then down the connecting dark spiral stairway into the larger cube of the chapel below. Ando succeeded in his intentions to design a sacred space through the ritualistic and circuitous entry route, as well as with the L-shaped wall that distinguishes the church as a secluded and protected space apart from the hotel behind it. 

The NFB Nursery by HIBINOSEKKEI and Youji no Shiro also designed with well proportion for the kids. This project is to reform an old kindergarten at that site. Kids having a different proportion compare to adult, the scale and proportion should be smaller. The interior design and the furniture is to scale with the kids. With a good proportion, a kid would not feel uncomfortable in the space. Let’s imagine a massive column is beside a kid,   no doubt the child will feel uncomfortable.

In a conclusion, both organisation and proportion incorporate and make a good architecture. A building with good proportion and organisation will achieved a pleasing aesthetic visual. Symmetry not only creating pleasing visual, it also create a balance to the building. The idea of proportion and organisation can be a guideline when we designing.

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